...Or not. Haha.
Right now, there's an epic snowstorm (well, epic for this area anyway) and I'm annoyed at it, but happy at the same time.
ANNOYED because I was supposed to go see Harry Potter with two of my friends. We were sitting in the theatre, waiting for the movie to start. There was only about fifteen minutes to go when Poof!! The screen turns off and these lights on the side came on. We were confused. Finally, my friend Seb said they were emergency lights, so the power must be out. I was thinking, "Greaaaatttt...". It sucked. We sat there for about twenty minutes, then they evacuated us from the theatre into the lobby, where we sat for another ten minutes. then we got refunded and left. It sucked. To top it all off, the winter (fall??) storm got worse. Then it got better when we got home. Don't know why, but now it's worse again. Haha. I don't even know if the power ever came back on, but when we were there it was three hours ago now. I wonder if the power's back on.
It makes me HAPPY because I love snow. I just hope I still have Jazz practice tomorrow or this may be filed under ANNOYING. Haha.
OHMYGOODGRAVY there's THIRTEEN days until Christmas!! I'm so excited. It's such a good day because I get to see family members and there's always just a happy mood in the house.
Hey, so you, the reader, have you donated anything to any cause yet?? There are can drives, toy drives, money donations, etc. 'Tis the season for donating. (: It feels good to donate, because you know you're making another family happy. (: It's a reward in it's own.
In my school, we're currently doing a can drive and a Canadian Tire money drive. If you bring in a certain amount of cans, you will get a donut party in your class, and if you get the most a pizza party, and for the CT money drive, the highest raised class will win a donut party. This is what I ask: Why do you need these incentives to bring food in?? It's a reward knowing you're helping a family who doesn't have much. I've already donated a bunch of stuff and plan on donating more. It's a good feeling. If we win the donut party, cool, but honestly I could care less. (:
I guess what I'm saying is, have we gotten that greedy and selfish that we really need an incentive to do something nice?? I'm not trying to say anything bad here, but I just find it sad that we think we need to get something back for doing something nice. It bothers me.
ANYWAY, on a lighter note, I love caps lock. Haha. No really, on a different note, I'm getting back into Rise Against. They kind of slipped off my radar until someone tweeted about them. I looked around to see if they were on my computer, started listening again and now I can't get enough of them. :D It makes me happy.
So does Christmas music, but how can you not like Christmas music?? Unless it's become super commercial. Haha.
So, on another random note, I have a new stocking this year. It's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer from the classic claymation movie thing that is epic. :D
Here's the story behind my old stocking:
I used to have a singing Scooby-Doo stocking. It was so cool. And not creepy, remember that. It wasn't creepy when I first got it. A few years after I got it, we had a dog. Dog wasn't happy and there was something wrong with him. He went on a rampage and tore a ton of things apart, including the "not creepy" Scooby stocking. He ripped his singing mouth apart, so when you got him to sing you could see right through into his chips that made him sing. I could lift part of his face off. Scooby stocking is now creepy. Dog went away to another family, and I still had Stocking. This was a couple of years ago, and I still had it up until this year. Stocking could still sing, and scared the crap out of me when it sang. So I threw Stocking out. It made me sad because I love Stocking, but it had to go. So I got Rudolph. Now it is all good. Haha. No more Christmas nightmares. Yay!!
Hmm, what else is there to say that has happened??
Hmmm.... Ooh...
So I'm a drummer, right? I've been playing for over five years, and have been taking lessons for five years, so I'm decent. I had a Christmas party last night, and a couple of my friends were pretty much begging me to go rock out. So I did. They filmed me. This is what happened. Please watch and tell me what you think in the little comment box :D :
Yeah, that's a little neat jazz thing I did.
So yeah, that's what I did. There's more, but I don't want to bore you with anymore. Haha. So anyway, we played foosball afterward. NOTE TO ALL OF YOU: If you have a bad wrist, don't play foosball and drum in the same night. You get nasty wrist pain to the point where you can't move your wrist the next day, and then you actually need to take medicine for it. I have wrist pain almost every day, but today was the worst of all. I never usually take any kind of anti-pain, anti-swelling pills, but my mom made me take a strong one because of how much pain I was in. Here's a judgement for you: I could move my wrist without it feeling like someone was jabbing daggers into my bones. Yeah. It was bad. Anyway, this medicine did help, but not too much. As of right now, it hurts a bit to type, but I'm okay. I can actually move it without too much pain, and it's almost back to it's normal pain level. Yay!! Just in time for a Christmas concert!!... Yupp, still hurts to airdrum. Hope I can play the real drums, considering I'm a drummer/percussionist for both Jazz and Senior Band at school. Haha.
Yeah, I'm rambling. A LOT. Whoo. I'm tired, bored, and a little hyper, so I'm just typing a bunch of random crap. Yay!! Anyway. This video I posted is taking a really long time to load. Whoo.
Right now, as I'm typing this, I'm watching The Simpsons. How many time has Fat Tony died? It's got to be quite a few, haha.
Of course, his cousin showed up and wants to kill Homer. No surprise there.
Anyway, so I went to the mall today. I don't like being by myself in public places, okay? Remember that. So I was supposed to meet my two friends I went to the theatre with there. We were supposed to meet in the food court, so I went there. Naturally, I couldn't find them, as the food court is usually super busy. I walked through the mall, getting more and more anxious as I went. I don't like being around strangers or crowds or being alone in public places. Unluckily, I was stuck with all three. I stood, leaning against a pole and had a panic attack. I went to the most familiar place to me in the mall: the bookstore. Silly, right? It made me feel better though. When I left the store, I went back to the food court and found them, thank God. I was still super shaky and scared, but felt better as time passed. Woohoo.
I wonder how long I can keep typing before I run out of things to say, or until you stop reading?? Forget it you've probably already stopped reading. A kangaroo just ate a hippo. Haha, got you. Just made sure you were paying attention. On to other things.
I have a big media project due in the new year, and needed to find evidence to prove my hypothesis. Guess what I had to do?? Watch Paranormal State and Ghost Hunters. Wow, such a shame, eh?? I watched both for about four hours, and found everything I needed. Hooray!!
This video is taking waaay too long to load, haha. Ahh well. I've got water and some chips to have while I'm waiting, whooo. Also, now it's Family Guy on the tv. Cool.
Anyway, back to real life.
This week is the last week of school before Christmas Break, whoo!! I'm so excited, because it's going to be so much fun. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do during those two weeks, but I'm sure it'll be fun.
Have you noticed how much smaller my paragraphs have gotten?? Yeah. It's because I'm running out of things to type, whoo.
Ooh, so anyone else a Paranormal fan?? Anyone like Paranormal State?? Have you read Ryan Buell's book? I'm going to post a review about it......... now:
So, when I first started watching Paranormal State, it scared the crap out of me, then I thought it was kind of hokey. When I heard Ryan was publishing a book, I thought, "Hey, let's read it, and see what he has to say." All I can say is, "WOW". I never looked at Paranormal State the way he decribes it in his book. It's opened my eyes to new possibilities and realities in the world of the Paranormal. It's so scary, but interesting. I have a whole new respect for him and his show. It totally became an actual reality show to me after reading this and seeing exactly how much work is put in, and how much everything affects him and his team. I believe you can't fake things like that. I am a little ashamed to admit the fact that I thought it was hokey because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but now I can say it, because I think it's definetely real now. It's scary to admit that, because of the things it opens up to someone who watches Supernatural and thinks things like demons and other things on the show aren't real. Now, I'm curious about these things, but also kind of terrified. Anyway, anyone who's interested in Paranormal State or the Paranormal in general should check this book out. I give it an A. Four and a half stars out of five for sure. (:
To keep this marathon blog post going while I wait for this video to post, I'm going to talk more about Christmas and giving, because I can't think of anything to post otherwise, but I want to type more. Haha.
So, at Christmastime, we have a bunch of fun making food, giving gifts, recieving gifts, etc. We should always remember to donate food/toys/anything else anyone needs this season. It's a cold season, and some people need jackets, hats, scarves, etc. I'm sure you have something lying around you can donate. If not, donate some money, then they can buy stuff they need. (:
Sorry for being pushy. :D
This is taking way too long. I'm debating whether or not to remove it and just link up my twitter video of it... Hmmm....
Yeah, that's what I'll do. It'll be easier that way. (:
Anyway, the link is up. Please check it out, then comment below. You'd be so awesome if you did that. :D
Anyway, I'm going to go before my power cuts out again. Snowstorms are awesome, but they suck for keeping the power on.
P.S. Thanks for reading this far, if you did. (:
P.P.S. Don't forget to do something(s) for others!!
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