That was stupid.
The words I was given were:
Three Sides
make a chiming grace.
Once told so easy to play,
But to learn could take a full day.
Saying nothing but says it all,
The impact could be so touching.
Smashing a song,
While staying so quiet,
Makes you listen so closely.
Black, white and brown
Stay so softly sound.
In their pastures they graze,
In the long summer days,
And in the rain they all lie down.
Crunchy, soft, sour and sweet,
There are many different pickles you could eat.
Garlic, dill and polski ogorki,
Yeah, I know, this sounds dorky.
Pickles are tasty and good for you,
So think about that the next time you chew.
A division, a separation,
caused by a centrifuge.
Stealing a strong heart's desire,
Making it weak with vicious fire.
Building a wall that cannot be broken,
And taking the blame for all pain awoken.
A divison, a wall,
Bringing heartache to all,
And keeping everyone apart so to eachother they cannot fall.
A barrier to be built,
And kept in check,
So no one can visit the other,
Because of the wall they cannot wreck.
Author's note: I took the definition of centrifuge metaphorically. It kind of sucks. :P
Pain like fire,
Shooting through my leg.
A faint blue colours taints the pain,
Causing discomfort and anguish
Every time I move.
But yet it's not hurt,
For there is nothing broken and no blood.
So what happened?
Am I hurt,
Or is it in my head?
You drove me here first,
In your blue mercedes,
and watched as I took my first steps alone.
When you could see me moving,
You took off, leaving me scared, alone, and helpless.
You watched from a distance as I wandered these far banks,
And scared myself with wandering thoughts.
Yeah, you drove me here first,
In your blue mercedes.
And watched me lose my mind.
Watched me take some steps into the ocean of insane,
And never helped me out.
You watched my mind crack and break,
Until nothing was left.
When I finally found my way back, you just drove me there again.
Yeah, you drove me there first.
So, I liked this one so much, I decided to write two different poems. :D
Deranged II
I saw you standing there,
All happy, and fine.
I waited in the shadows,
And bided my time.
You never saw me coming,
Until it was too late.
And you could never explain,
Your mind or your mental state.
I waited in the shadows,
Just biding my time,
And came out to strike when everything was fine.
You blamed everyone.
You made sure they knew.
You told them you weren't crazy,
You just weren't you.
But it was me.
I waited in the shadows,
Just biding my time.
And struck,
Just when you thought everything was fine.
I hope you enjoyed that. (:
If you have any other ideas you'd like me to write about, go ahead and post them in the comment box. :D
Don't forget to smile.
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