Monday, November 1, 2010

Toy Story and Hallowe'en

First off, hope you had a terrific Hallowe'en. (:

I know I did. I had a big chef's costume I wore. It was awesome. Of course, it was fitting because that's what I would like to be when I get out of school. Haha. Anyway, this was my last year for Trick or Treating. Yupp. I'm finally stopping. Don't need that much sugar anymore..

Who am I kidding. I'll be stealing candy from the candy bowl all Hallowe'en. Hooray. d:

Anyway, so when we went Trick or Treating, me and seven of my friends, we went all through my neighbourhood. It's a new neighbourhood, so there's a lot of young kids. That means lots of candy. Haha. So we went up to this one house, and I heard one of my friends say something about a mask. I looked around, but didn't see one. When the guy opened the door, he ran out with a mask on. I screamed and back up a bit. He couldn't go any further, because he was laughing too hard. He took off his mask and high-fived me. I think I made his night. Yay. d:

We got a good haul. It was a great last year. Got to spend Halloween night with a bunch of my friends.

So, onto other topics.

I watched a marathon of Ghost Hunters on Sunday, and scared the crap out of myself. Everytime I'd see something move out of the corner of my eye, I'd leap around and look at it straight-on. Thanks, Ghost Hunters. I am forever paranoid in my own house. Haha. That's what I've come too. Take this lesson, don't watch a marathong of Ghost shows. You just end up scaring yourself.

It was a good marathon. I really enjoyed watching the show, after not being able to watch it for a couple of months.

I don't know if you remember, way back in the day when the first Toy Story came out (haha), but now they've released a third one. It's been so long!! I remember going in June with my friends to see it. I went with one of my best guy friends to see it in 3D, and my other friends saw it in 2D. They were almost crying at the end, where my best friend and I were killing ourselves laughing. Different, much. Anyway, I loved the movie. I think it was the best way to end the series. Now please, don't make a tv show spin-off and ruin it.

It comes out on DVD tomorrow. Personally, I think they should release it on VHS as well, because of the fact that the other two are on VHS, I think. That'd be cool, anyway. Haha. That'd really send people back a decade.

So this weekend, other than having fun during Trick or Treating and scaring myself silly, I managed to hurt myself. A lot. In a span of three hours, I managed to get three cuts on my hand from a rose bush and burn myself with a pan. Yupp. Not to mention I still have a slice in my finger from trying to cut a pumpkin on Wednesday. My hands are also going very dry, so I'll have cuts all over them soon. Haha. Yay.

Oh yeah, Wednesday. The concert. Yeah, it went great. :D I'm so proud of the bands, you all did a terrific job. I hope I hurt someone's ears while playing the timpanies. Then maybe I will have played them loud enough. Hooray!!

Anyway, math homework awaits me. I must do that, even though I'd rather stay here and type a million more words. Haha. Maybe I will post another poem at some point.

Enjoy your Monday and don't forget to SMILE!!


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