Sunday, February 20, 2011

Super Boring EXCITING Update


How have you been??

Sorry I disappeared and haven’t kept this updated. I’ve been busy and mostly just lazy. Haha. Hmmm… Since February 2nd, I haven’t had much happen to me. Well, I’ve had a lot happen, but nothing too monumental. Haha.

Well, to start off, my new semester, and last semester of High School ever kicked off. It’s my easiest semester ever too. WHOO. It’s really hard to pick my favourite, but I think that my cooking class is my favourite, considering that’s what I want to go into. I made a new friend in that class too. Yay friends!! Haha. My hardest class this semester is probably my first period class, and it’s only because it’s so boring. Sorry!! I just find it hard to sit there and make an opinion on stuff that I haven’t really paid enough attention to to even have a basic opinion, nevertheless to have a debate about.

Second, I hate dresses. I hate shopping for them, and I hate wearing them. Well, not so much, because it’s one day every four or five years, so that’s okay. But I just hate shopping for them. I’m a really picky shopper as it is, and taking me shopping for something I hate shopping for will cause frustration and anger, as I got this weekend. Haha. Guess what we did. Yupp, prom dress shopping. I didn’t find any dresses I liked, but there’s a surprise. Haha. I did, however, see one I liked two weeks ago, that I didn’t like at the time, but it kept growing on me. So I think we’re going back to that store sometime soon to look at their dresses again.

Third, I’ve started writing again. Well, writing for my writing class, anyway. Haha. It’s an awesome class. I had to write a poem for it, and I personally think it’s one of my betterish ones, even though I’m not completely happy with it. All of the people I showed it to loved it so.. Haha. Ahh well.

So I don’t know if you know what the TAPS Paramagazine is, but it’s really cool. (Link: ) I’ve been following it for half a year now. It’s all about paranormal stuff. So, recently, I’ve been talking to someone on the magazine on Twitter (Aaron Sagers). We just talked about random stuff and I helped him with searching for speakers. Recently, he got promoted to Editor of the magazine. That was pretty cool. So, anyway, the TAPS Paramag tweeted that they are thinking about putting aspiring writers to work. So I tweeted them back. They tweeted me this: “@Jenn5655 Aaron said you seemed cool and that counts for a lot so maybe you can write for us” .  The editor of the magazine said I seemed cool. I freaked. I was literally jumping for joy. It was the coolest thing.

So, that’s pretty much everything important that’s happened with me so far. I’ll keep you posted, by being more updated, maybe every week or two. :D

See you :D

Keep smiling (:


Wednesday, February 2, 2011



I haven't posted on here in FOREVER. Sorry. I've been super busy. All of my teachers loaded a ton of work on me, then I had exams. Whoo!! But it's all over now. Haha. So, I have a lot to tell you then, if my last post was January 14th.


Epically huge news: I GOT INTO THE SCHOOL I WANT TO GO TO!! I'm so excited about that. I've been hyped since I found out yesterday, at about quarter to seven in the morning. What's better is that my mom came home with a sweater for me for that school. :D It's so comfy. :D I'm pumped to go. I'll be doing culinary management, so I'll be making a ton of awesome food and learning all about managing culinary stuff. Haha. It's going to be awesome.


There's this huge snowstorm hitting us. Well, that hit us, anyway. I was all ready for 40+ centimetres, like they were predicting. What did we get? 10-15 centimetres, with drifts because of the wind. I was a little disappointed, but relieved at the same time. There's already almost a foot of snow out there, so this addition just isn't good, in my opinion. Haha. What can I say though, I like Spring!! It's my favourite season, and this winter is killing me, because there's been warm days that tease me. Grr. Oh well.


Exams. Yeah. They were fun. I had two on one day, then one on each day after that of the first week. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Let's just say my Wednesday exams went better than the other two. Haha. My afternoon exam on Wednesday should've been hard, or long. We had two hours to write it!! Guess how long it took me. No guess? Okay. It took me... Wait for it.... 35 freaking minutes. I'll admit that I felt kind of really bad for my teacher, being done so early. I wasn't allowed to leave though, until the hour mark. It sucked. I sat there for 25 minutes, staring at the wall. What was worse was that the guy sitting two desks in front of me (there was an empty desk between us) kept jiggling his leg, and because the desks were so close together, it was shaking my entire desk. I sat there, thinking about how I could get him back. My sister later suggested throwing bits of eraser at him. Too late now. Oh well.

My other exams took better time than that. Two of them took an hour (one was an hour and a half exam) and the last took an hour and a half. Overall, I think I did okay. I'm hoping anyway. The exam I wrote in 35 minutes, I think I almost aced. However, that was the exam I studied for the most. Maybe that's why it took so short. Haha.

So, ever since I was young, I've had a fascination with dinosaurs but I never did anything with it. Sure, I had plastic toy dinosaurs that I'd play with, but I never did anything, really. Until now. I went into the dollar store just the other night, just going to find stickers with a group of friends for my sister, who was with us. We were on our way to see a movie, and stopped there first. When we got to the stickers, I found bucketloads of dinosaur stickers, as well as dinosaur 3D puzzle things and dinosaur pencils. What did I do? I bought the freaking puzzles and pencils, and my sister bought the stickers. I've gone dino-crazy. It's awesome. Dinosaurs are the best. There's a bunch of the foam-type 3D puzzles sitting on my shelf now, as well as a dinosaur sticker on my computer. I'm happy now. Hahahaha.

Also, I rearrranged all the posters in my room on the weekend. There's now a ton of posters on my wall that I found in my closet from years ago, as well as the ones already there. It looks really cool. There's tiger pictures and stars hanging from my ceiling, all of my squiggly drawing and home made movie posters hanging  on the wall above the door, as well as my Steve and Tango poster. I also have an old Scooby-Doo poster that I've had for years up on my wall. Old like, "Scoody-Doo Where Are You?" old. It's epic. I'm loving it. :D

Anywho, I think that's a good update for now. Now that my schedule's not so hectic, you will get more blog posts from me.

Have an awesome week!!


P.S. Don't forget to SMILE!!!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

All Work and No Relaxation Makes Jenn Want to SPAZ

Yeah, I've been overloaded with work.
It almost feels like my teachers thought, "HOLY CRAP. THERE'S THREE WEEKS LEFT UNTIL EXAMS." Then they all got together and decided that two of them would assign projects, while the other two shot tests at me and threw work at me that was overloading. Then the other two who had projects also gave me more work. One gave an essay and the other gave a test and raced through lessons. Yay three-five hour homework sessions each night!! I've never done that, and I never want to do that again. -.- EVER.

So one of my projects was that massive media project I mentioned a while back. Yeah. I just presented it today. Can't say enough of how much of a weight that was to have lifted off of me. It rocked, if I do say so myself. Except for the fact that I scared people in my class. Oh wait, you really don't know what it was about. Oops. Here, I'll recap it for you (:

My project was analyzing how paranormal reality shows ramp up the fear by using music, editing and narration techniques. I went on to compare Paranormal State and Ghost Hunters. It was pretty awesome. The clips I used were really effective, as almost everyone looked nervous or scared at some point. I hope none of them have nightmares tonight!! I'd feel so bad. ):


My other project involves making a probability game for a sort of casino thing we're doing in class. It's kind of interesting. Mine is all intense and has three different steps to it. My partner and I are making it tomorrow. This project isn't too bad because I don't have to present. Whoo!!

That essay's done too. It was due today. Anyone who follows me on Twitter (box filled with my tweets is on the side  ----------->) will know that I'm not too proud of it. I'm not. Slaughterhouse-Five was practically imposssible to analyze. Maybe it's because I was so done with everything else, or because I couldn't figure out all the metaphors, but it was hard!! Oh well, it's not a big deal. I'm more worried for this other one that we're writing in class. It's worth 15% of my mark!! :o However, this one I just wrote for today was worth 10%. Hmm...

I have to say, I love school (don't make fun of me!! It's kind of fun) but it's slowly turning me into more of a hermit than I'm comfortable with. I can't even spend time with my family because of all of this work. That's why I'm so excited for this weekend. I have maybe three hours of schoolwork (making my project for casino night) then FREEDOM!! Until Monday, anyway. (;

Merg... All this talk about school is stressing me out. :P

Plus, I'm bored of it. :P

I realize I haven't blogged in a while. Sorry about that. I've had ideas for a blog post, but they always came when I was doing schoolwork (imagine that). Hmm... Outside of school, what happened?

Oh yeah!! Haha
So I went to a hockey game for our local team just last weekend. I got to sit in a box!! It was exciting. And no, not a PAPER box, an actual box that those big, rich, influential companies buy to sit in and stare at all the people in the rink below them. It was cool. My dad got the tickets for free and we got to go. While we were there, I was taking pictures of random stuff and texting them to my friend because she wasn't there. I wanted her to see the box. Haha. Before I continue with this story, I need to tell you this: I have NEVER gotten in trouble for texting in class. I don't text in class, so that may be why. ANYWAY, back to my story. So I'm sending her these pictures, and the score. The second intermission starts, and who's sitting in the box next to me but my grade seven/eight science teacher. He leans over the railing and doesn't say "Hello" or "How are you?". No. He says "Are you texting or watching the game?" Haha. First time I ever got in "trouble" for texting from a teacher. He was joking around with me, and I told him what I was doing. After all that, I thought it was pretty cool seeing him there. He was an awesome guy and one of my favourite teachers. So anyway, in this box, I was sitting with my dad, who always takes me to these games. The announcer guy told the stadium that if the home team scored 7 times, everyone in the arena was going to get free burgers from Harveys. My dad was pretty excited. Every time they scored, my dad would yell, "BURGER!!" at the top of his lungs. It was hilarious. Yes, we got our burgers. The home team won 9-4. It was AWESOME. I was proud. :D The burgers weren't too good, but I was proud of the team for that win. :D

I also made cupcakes on the weekend, and pizza too. :D The cupcakes turned out great, everyone loved them. They loved the pizza too. When I was making a pizza with the stuff I wanted on it, I put it in the oven (duh, Jenn). When I went to take it out, what do I do but drop it on the burner?? Yupp. Luckily my parents were there to help me. My dad grabbed it with his oven mitts and pulled it out for me. Yay, no fire!! Just burnt crust. Hahaha. It was still good. I didn't eat the burnt piece though. :P

Hmm.. What else happened? Ooh, I raised my math mark to an 80. That's pretty awesome, considering last year I passed with a 65. :D Yeah, two completely different maths, but still. :D

I got some new pajamas too. They're cool. :D I'm running out of things to type about. There's not much more that happened to me. :P

Hmmm... What's in the news lately? There's that whole horoscope thinger, which is just confusing me. Meh. Oh well.

About the Tucson, Arizona shooting, my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who are suffering from this. I wish everyone who is recovering to have a speedy recovery, and to those who lost loved ones, I mourn along with you. ): It was a sad thing to happen, and it was unfair.

Also, about the "aflockalypse", I don't know if I'm actually trusting these things. I mean, I know these are tragic events, but come on, it happens all the time, at least, that's what they say. Haha. Seriously, it's sad to see all these animals die. It's got to be a little shocking and sad to have the mass animal deaths occur in these towns. Is it a sign of the apocalypse? Personally, I don't think so, but believe what you want to. It's always open to opinions.

Anyway, I think I'm done catching you up. (: Thanks for reading!!


- Jenn

P.S. Don't forget to do something nice and random. :D It's always nice to jump in and help someone out with homework or something like that. :D

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Week Plus My Take on TAPS

So this week, I went out shopping the day after Boxing Day. Probably not my best decision, as I previously talked about my people and space issues. Oh well. I got a cool new winter hat. It’s a tiger, and it’s made of wool so it’s really warm. I also had to buy season one of Paranormal State for my massive media project; doesn’t bother me though, because I like Paranormal State. Not as much as Ghost Hunters, though. Anywho, also this week, I got to go to a hockey game. That was pretty exciting, as we were sitting right behind the hecklers, so we got to hear everything they said and see everything they did. It was pretty funny. Of course, it was also awesome because the team I like won, so that was pretty awesome too. I’ve also got a foam finger that’s hanging on my wall. Yupp, I’m that cool. Haha.
This week also happened to have New Years in it. Gee, how could that pass by so unnoticed?? Wait, probably because I don’t party all hard core. Haha. I usually just sit around with my family and play board games, then count down with the rest of the world who lives in the Eastern Time Zone. This New Year’s celebration also included a “party”. Pretty much what I mean by that is that our neighbour invited us over to celebrate (we left before midnight). There were drunken people playing the Michael Jackson dancing game on the Wii. It was pretty hilarious, until they tried to make me play. I ran and hid in a corner. I used the excuses that I would hurt my wrist, because I would as I have wrist problems (I know, 17 and I already have an issue like that, haha), and the excuse that I just don’t dance. Someone else volunteered, so I could hide still. Yay!! Haha. It was pretty funny to watch though, when one of them kicked the table. We went home at about 11, and then played some games. It was pretty fun.
The only thing that sucked was that I went to bed at 1:30 AM and then got up at 7:30 AM. It was awful. I sat in my room and worked on my project because I couldn’t focus on anything else. I was so tired that I couldn’t fall asleep. It was brutal. I got more sleep last night though, so that was nice.
So that was pretty much my week. Yay for a boring week!! Again. Haha. Well, the hockey game wasn’t boring, and going to my brother’s hockey game the night before wasn’t boring either. Haha.

So, onto my other topic: My Take on TAPS

For those of you that don’t know, TAPS stands for The Atlantic Paranormal Society. They are a group of people who go around, helping families with their paranormal issues by trying to debunk the claims. They debunk 80% of the claims, and only 20% end up being paranormal. They also have a show called “Ghost Hunters” that’s on Syfy or OLN (for Canadians like me). The show is them going around helping people with their claims.
I got a couple of the seasons for Christmas. They were season 4 part 2 and all of season five. When I was watching the live show from season four, I watched the jacket pull. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Grant is walking through the basement when something grabs his coat three separate times. You can actually see it be pulled down.
I watched the jacket pull multiple times, because I knew people were pulling it apart, saying Grant was a fraud, that he set the jacket pull up. Pretty much, that it was staged. I watched it a lot, and I still don’t see what you people are seeing. To me, it looks like it is being pulled away from him. It’s almost impossible to put fishing line up your coat and pull away from yourself. Think about it, you’re confined to inside your coat, which isn’t a lot of room. How do you pull away? If he had it outside his coat, someone’s light would have reflected off part of the fishing line, and we would have seen it. From what I pulled from it, the only way it could have been staged is if someone from the crew behind him pulled the fishing line. But again, we would have seen some reflection. Plus, his collar was up around his neck. There were no dents in it that would have fishing line tied around it, and you’d need to have the fishing line pretty tight to be able to make the collar drop like that. Personally, I don’t think it was faked, but that’s what I believe. What you believe is what you believe.
All in all, I trust TAPS. I think they’re a good group of people who are just trying to help people. They seem to be legitimate to me. I am sceptical about the evidence, only because I look at it and think, “Maybe someone stepped heavy and the flashlight flickered”. You never know. But whatever evidence they get, they immediately try to debunk it, which is an amazing thing to do. They could just come in with their cameras, hear noises, and then tell the clients that their place is haunted. Instead, they go in and immediately go after the “most debunkable” claims first. That’s awesome to see. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always tried to find the source of a weird noise that I hear. Where my bedroom is, there are all the pipes, the water heater, furnace, etc. so I hear a lot of weird noises. At first, I couldn’t figure them out, until I thought about it, and then looked around. When I realized what everything was, I was okay with the noises. They help me sleep at night now. Haha.

Anyway, that’s my take on TAPS and the jacket pull. I could go on for hours, but I really don’t want to bore you again. Haha.

Thanks for reading :D

P.S. Do something random and nice (: